Correlation between vaginal ultrasound, hysterosonography and hysteroscopy in the exploration of abnormal uterine bleeding
Tags : andappraisetheperformanceofthisexaminationintheeva, our evaluationconsistedoftwoparts:onthefirsthand, thestudyofthediagnosticvalueofhysterosonography b, todeterminethecontributionofhysterosonographyinute, tunisia.includedinthestudywerepatientssufferingfro, weassessedthefeasibilityandtoleranceofhysterosonog
Category : Original articles
Authors : Ons Cherif
Full text (PDF file)To determine the contribution of hysterosonography in uterine cavity pathologies in case of
bleeding, and appraise the performance of this examination in the evaluation of the uterine cavity by
comparing it to vaginal ultrasound and diagnostic hysteroscopy. Methods A retrospective study of 31
hysterosonography examinations was performed in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Farhat
Hached University Hospital Center Sousse, Tunisia. Included in the study were patients suffering from
abnormal bleeding. First, we assessed the feasibility and tolerance of hysterosonography. Secondly, our
evaluation consisted of two parts: On the first hand, the study of the diagnostic value of hysterosonography
by calculating its sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. On the
other hand, we studied the concordance between the results of hysterosonography and those of
hysteroscopy. Results During the period of clinical trial, the failure rate of performing hysterosonography
was 3.2%. Tolerance has always been good. Hysterosonography enabled etiologic diagnosis of bleeding
with a 75% SEN, 88.89% SP, 81.8% VPP, and 84.2% VPN. Hysterosonography / hysteroscopy Rasoafaranirina MO 1, Tiaray HM 2, Ravahatra K 3, Rakotondrabe ID 4, Rakotomizao J 5, Rakotoson J 6
concordance for abnormal uterine bleeding was 83.3%. The diagnostic value of hysterosonography was
superior to vaginal ultrasound in detecting various endo-cavitary abnormalities.