A curious liver abscess
Tags : anti-bacterialagents, hepatomegaly, liverabscess, pyogenicliverabscess
Category : Cases reports
Authors : Filipa Coroado Ferreira
Full text (PDF file)Liver abscesses are the most common type of visceral abscesses.
There is a variety of risk factors and organisms described as causing pyogenic liver abscess and this
variability reflects the different routes of hepatic invasion.
Treatment usually includes drainage and antibiotic therapy. The authors describe a clinical case of a
multiloculated pyogenic liver abscess, after an extensive study. He had lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia,
acute kidney injury, hepatic cytolysis and elevated reactive C protein and procalcitonin. Amine Ousaid1, Jaouad Akrim1, Youssef Khayati1
Two blood cultures were performed and antibiotic therapy was started empirically with ceftriaxone 1g 12/12h. Because of maintenance of daily fever and elevation of inflammatory parameters, antibiotic therapy was altered to piperacillin/tazobactam 6/6h. No agent was identified on blood cultures.
He evolved w1ith clinical and2analytical improv2ement with medical treatment and no drainage was performed. Daniel Lerda , Edith Illescas , Jorge Labrador
After 4 weeks on piperacilin/tazobactam, antibiotherapy was altered to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid per os.
He had no alterations at colonoscopy. The authors highlight this case for the unusual diagnosis in the absence of risk factors described by the ant the few cases described with good resolution only with medical treatment, so the presentation of this case becomes relevant.